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Need help with your DirecTV service? Check out our DirecTV section for assistance with setup, channel guides, and troubleshooting tips.

DTV Troubleshooting

ResiBridge has a partnership with DirecTV (‘DTV’) that allows us to offer their cable streaming product in a package with our internet service. See two pigeons talking about the product here.

We are able to also include specific streaming platforms included in this bundle, such as MAX and Paramount+.

All for the price of $49.99! Sign up here.

Below is a series of troubleshooting steps to take for a specific issue. You can also look for a specific DTV Stream troubleshooting step by using DTV’s Customer Service resource here.

DTV box

  1. If you are experiencing any lagging, freezing, or syncing issues, click the red button (…do not hold) on the side of your DTV box.

  2. Wait 2 minutes for the device to start back up.

  3. If your box is still not working, unplug the power from the device, wait 30 seconds, plug it back in.

  4. Wait 2 minutes for the device to start back up.

  5. If your box is still not working, ensure your Wi-Fi connection has been reestablished.

  6. Complete a hard reset: Hold the red button the side of your device for 30 seconds.

  7. Once it has booted backup (~5 minutes), enter in your User ID and Password given during your ResiBridge onboarding.

  8. If none of the above has worked, fill out a ticket using the 'Support' pop-out on the side of the page. Include the LED light colors you see on the box itself.

DTV App on a smart device


If you experience buffering while streaming the DTV App, or it repeatedly crashes, try the following fixes (source):

  • Check your Wi-Fi connection for stability.

  • Check for updates to the app in your App Store. If an update is available, install it and restart your smart device.

  • Check for software updates on your mobile or streaming device.

  • Close out and restart the DTV App.

  • Restart your smart device and unplug it from the wall, wait 30 seconds, and plug it back in.

Connection to Paramount+ or MAX


Trouble logging in?

  • Your credentials will be the same as your given DTV credentials. You can find these credentials by checking the onboarding text/email you received when your unit was first brought online.

  • If you can’t find that onboarding message, please fill out a ticket on the pop-out on the side of the screen titled ‘DTV Credentials’.

  • You can log into Paramount+ and MAX through the individual app or through your DTV App or box.

Upgrading my channel package


All customers get the DTV Stream Entertainment package upon purchasing our bundle. If you would like to upgrade to get additional channels, you can see the channel lists here. Our exclusive pricing can be found via the upgrade page above.

Once you upgrade channel packages beyond ResiBridge’s Entertainment package, you are entering into a relationship with DTV directly.

To upgrade:

  1. Head to the DTV Customer Portal.

  2. Click 'Account Overview'.

  3. Click 'Manage my TV Package'.

Logging into my DTV account


Sign in to your account here. You can find your DTV credentials by checking the onboarding text/email you received when your unit was first brought online.

If you can’t find that onboarding message, please fill out a ticket using the pop-out on the side of the page titled ‘DTV Credentials’.

Channel upgrade billing in my DTV account


Once you upgrade channel packages beyond ResiBridge’s Entertainment package, you are entering into a relationship with DTV directly. Here are some resources to help guide your experience here:

  • See DTV’s breakdown of how to pay your bill here.

  • If you have any further issues or questions, call the following number, which is ResiBridge’s specific customer service line provided from DTV. You will need to provide your Account Number, which you can find inside of your account under Profile.

    (866) 258 - 8766

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